
This is where you can find the information of equipment for use in Sabresquadron. There is a master Dataheet featuring all vehicles, but for ease of use we are adding datasheets by nation featuring all equipment used by each army. To make life even easier, each vehicle on the national datasheets is summarised on a separate Datacard. These can be printed out and kept, hole-punched, placed in a clear sleeve or laminated. There is room for a photo on the top right hand side which can be added using a PDF-editing tool or simply by printing, cutting and pasting (we haven't done this already due to time and copyright issues).

We have added a version of the Main Datasheet in MS Excel, with a sheet for each nation covered.

The Main Datasheet has an aircraft sheet.

Data will be expanded to include more nations, and also to fill in any equipment gaps. We will aim to get the most popular armies and kit done first. Updates will be announced in the Newsletter and on wargames websites and fora. The data for all of the equipment listed in 'Seven Days To The Rhine' and 'Article 5' have been uploaded.

Datasheets and Datacards:

Main Datasheet - Vehicles (PDF)

Main Datasheet - Vehicles in MS Excel

Datasheet - ATGMs & SAMs

Datasheet - Anti-Tank Guns & RCLs


East Germany


Germany, Federal Republic







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